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ICEWIND Prod.- u. Vertriebsges. mbH & Co. KG
Neue Str. 21
21244 Buchholz
The Icewind company has stood for more convenience and freshness since 1988. We are an innovative, efficient and high-quality partner in the convenience sector.
ICEWIND | Categories
Unique quality fish and seafood
Specialities from many famous cheese regions
Cheesecake, lava cake, tiramisu, everything that is tasty
In a variety of filled and unfilled variants
From organic salmon to buffalo mozzarella, …
Everything that makes a vegan heart yearn
ICEWIND | Sustainability
Ecological responsibility is a fundamental part of what we do. Our fish products are mainly MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) and Global GAP certified. Furthermore, we are a member of the German Fish Association and certified according to IFS Broker.
ICEWIND | Quality
Our products are regularly subjected to strict quality controls at recognised laboratories in order to meet our quality standards. If you are interested in our product portfolio, we look forward to hearing from you.
To the BIO certificate
ICEWIND Prod.- u. Vertriebsges. mbH & Co. KG
T +49 4181 929-200